Friday, January 11, 2008

Control Your Thoughts!

The Power of the Voice Within

"A man does not seek his luck, luck seeks its man" - an Irish proverb

Control your thoughts!

Here is another great imperative for anyone who wants to evolve into a happy person.

Before we try a simple focus game to help you enter a state of peace and relaxation, let me explain to you why it is so important to put an end to the self-defeating and harmful "thoughts" that bother you all along. Your thoughts are your constant companions. They envelope you from all sides and shape your sense of reality. Thoughts are what make one person perceive the glass as half-full and the other person perceive it as half-empty.

Our thoughts play a pivotal role in the path we follow. While following destructive patterns in life, we involuntarily and subconsciously take on damaging and eroding thoughts. Ask any successful man and woman and he or she will tell you that they surround themselves with positive, enriching, sustaining thoughts. They take the effort to subdue, train and mould the thoughts that run through their minds.

Finding the solution to whatever is bothering you is very much within reach if you get in control of your inner life. The best decisions for work, family or various other problems are taken when you are at peace and relaxed. The purpose of this exercise is to help you deal with stress and anxiety and better focus on what will make you happy.


Enjoy the silence within you!

The best moment to try this exercise for the first time is at home before going to sleep. Simply lie on your back and feel all the tension of the day leave your body; first you need to relax all the muscles of your body one by one. Once you've done that, contemplate your thoughts and discard them one by one! Guide these thoughts gently out of your mind.

As you let all thoughts - positive and negative - go, you'll be surprised to discover a big "void" inside of you and a silence I'm sure you didn't even suspect ever existed. Try to maintain it for as long as you can. Feel the crystal clear stillness of your subconscious mind. Enjoy this abyss of nothingness. Believe me: this stillness and silence is addictive. It is also very nourishing. Most surely, you will sink into a deep and rejuvenating slumber to get up in the morning with the awesome awareness of the deep stillness within you.

Now here comes the big challenge: try and practice this exercise whenever you feel stressed or anxious. Tap into this vast resource of nothingness, and lull your worries in its lap. A new boost of energy will surely flow into your system and allow you to continue daily tasks with improved vigor and zest.

Practice this exercise as often as you get the chance, since it will increase self-control and help you improve all aspects of your life. A more relaxed person definitely communicates better; instead of being a grumpy life-partner, you'll now have enough energy to surprise your beloved with warm attentions and an open attitude. Once you become the master of your mind, you can take the steering wheel in your hands and zoom your way to happy beginnings.

Larry Haber
Co-Authur of The Road To Self Riches



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