Thursday, January 03, 2008

Killing Cinderella

Do you know anyone who does not know the story of Cinderella? or Snow White? or Sleeping Beauty? Yes, they are wonderful, iconic fairy tales that we have all heard since childhood.

When we were children, perhaps, they opened our imaginations to magical possibilities. And they all had a simple theme: If you are beautiful and act nice, you will be saved from all your troubles by a rich and beautiful hero, and you'll live happily ever after.

It was a nice thing to learn. If you happened to be beautiful, you'd get rescued someday. But you should be nice to everyone - even the ugly kids - for they had no chance of ever getting rescued.

In Thailand, the people think and talk about beauty all the time. They have beauty contests all the time. And they include contests for boys and men as well as for the girls and women.

The fairy-tale syndrome is very much alive in the hearts of young adults in Thailand. The importance of physical beauty is hammered into them from childhood. And they talk of magic things happening if they just have the right intentions and feelings in their hearts.

And they have reason to believe this. A couple years ago, the Miss Universe pageant was held in Thailand. The winner was from Canada. The Thais fell in love with Miss Universe, and followed her career as she was bestowed with fame and riches. After her reign, Miss Universe came back to Thailand, where she had an instant career in entertainment. And the Thais treat her like a princess.

Not only is the former Miss Universe the most popular personality in this country - she got married to another Thai treasure; a young man who has done very well in professional tennis.

But there's a problem. The young tennis player is rich and famous, no problem there. But, by Thai standards, he is ugly. Probably by American standards, too.

Can fantasy and reality co-exist?

All the teenage girls in Thailand are against this marriage. It doesn't look right. It's appalling. It ruins their own Cinderella fantasies -- all this work to be beautiful and no handsome prince.

Doesn't this attachment to fantasy impede productivity? Couldn't we achieve and accomplish much more if we did not look for a magic button at every crossroads?

The Real Cinderella

It's time to set the record straight on Cinderella. How long has she been living "happily ever after" by now? A couple hundred years, maybe? After so many years with the same man - doing nothing more than looking good and being rich - are they really happy? For that matter, are they still beautiful? For that matter, are they still rich? Wouldn't we be doing them a favor if we put them out of their misery?

Reality is a lot better than fairy tales!

In reality, there are opportunities for everyone, no matter what you look like. In reality, you may not always get what you think you deserve, but you always get something for making an effort.

All the stories and fantasies that have been implanted in our minds can be harmful. Even when we say we don't believe in Santa Clause, something inside us wants to have someone come and give us things.

When things in life get rough, we optimistically hope that a magic fairy will come and grant us a few wishes. If we knew more about the infinite possibilities that reside within our own beings we wouldn't waste energy hoping for miracles.

If we are ever to progress in real life, we have to put Cinderella in her place. The story is ingrained in our minds, there is no escaping that. But we can change the story.

The prince gives the shoe back to her, and then leaves without her. Why? Because she didn't have the courage or integrity to do something about her life. She never left her awful step-mother to seek a better life for herself. She ends up dying at a young age from inhaling too much dust and soot.

In reality, you don't have to wait for a genie or fairy god mother to do magic. Our minds are capable of far more than we usually give ourselves credit for. And we can do far better for ourselves than any wizard can -- if we put our minds to it. The End

Keep a smile on your face and a dance in your feet.

Jerry Waxman currently lectures at a university in Thailand. His latest creation, WorldsWays aims to empower individuals with knowledge of their inner beings, to manifest for themselves a life of productivity, achievement and great rewards. See also FreeWays - Ways To Freedom.



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