Saturday, December 22, 2007

Living in the Moment and Going With the Flow

Feng Shui is based on change, the ebb and flow if life. An acceptance and understanding of this enables us to move through life's challenges with a greater sense of comfort and ease. Just as the river adjusts and shifts to the shape of the land. A sense of flexibility and the ability to 'go with the flow' allows us to move through our hectic, busy days and lives open to new opportunity and relationships.

Is there a place in your life where you're feeling stuck, immersed in old energy or thought patterns? How are these past experiences and patterns serving you? Does remaining in old patterns and ways of thinking enable you to remain in a job you don't like? A relationship that doesn't nurture you? Are you choosing to stay with the old because it's familiar or because it helps you be the best you can be?

I believe that everything that happens to us provides us with the opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, more creative and more diverse. Often our needs for safety, predictability and controlled outcomes prevent us from fully experiencing all our life has to offer. I believe that we can all truly learn to experience the perfection of each and every moment by simply letting our days unfold, letting each moment propel us to the proper action. We can chose to act rather than react.

Life is experienced in the moments, in the now. If we are too focused on getting through our list of things to do, intent on 'doing' versus 'being, life has a way of slipping by us. We are too busy to 'see' opportunity, to see and experience life before us. It is the unexpected moments that bring us synchronistic opportunities.

Feng Shui Tips for Living in the Moment

1. Stop filling your days with tasks and activities that don't serve your highest intention.

Do you define yourself by how busy you are? Do you think being busy is proof that you're successful? Are your days all about quantity rather than quality? Slow down, don't fill every moment with activities, experience your life. Living is in the moment, not the past, not the future. Living is now.

2. Do what you really want to do.

What activities would you do right now if there were no obstacles in front of you? Take one small step toward doing something you like but haven't given yourself permission to do. Start small, and stay consistent. You deserve to love the life you're living.

3. Stop trying to control everything. Let it go.

Is it important to you what others think or do? By learning to release being stuck in the outcome of what others do or do not do, you free yourself up to focus on you.

4. Tell the whole truth, all of the time.

Most of us don't realize how much energy we waste by not being entirely truthful with ourselves. Stop trying to live up to someone else's idea of how you should be.....just be who you are. Who you are is not only enough, it's perfect!

5. Slow down and breathe.

Reflect on where you are and where you're going. Quiet time is a way of checking in with yourself as well as a way of connecting to those around you.

Going 'with the flow' requires that we change our mindset, that we let go of the need to control every aspect of our days and lives. This doesn't mean we can't set goals, it means surrendering the need to forge ahead at all costs, it means trusting that what you've accomplished is enough; that what you've accomplished is what was meant to be. If you can learn to incorporate the principles and spirit of Feng Shui into your daily life, not just your living environment, you will find you accomplish more than you can imagine-it just may not be on your list.

How do you know if you're on the right path? The same you know if you're not. You feel it. Your life is speaking to you every day, all the time, and it's your job to hear it. Pay attention to what makes you feel energized, connected and stimulated. Let go of the need to control your life and begin living it instead.

Copyright ? 2007 Harmony Life, LLC. All rights reserved.

Feng Shui Teacher and Entrepreneur Laurie Bornstein, "The Feng Shui Marketing Queen" is the author and creator of 'Simple Feng Shui Series', her FREE monthly ezine filled with articles and tips on how to live and work in balance, visit to learn more.



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