Friday, December 14, 2007

The Law of Attraction Secret - How To Manifest Your Desires

What is the Law of Attraction secret that everyone is talking about? According to Abraham (a collection of spiritual beings channeled through author, Esther Hicks) the Law of Attraction is defined as "that which is like unto itself is drawn". In other words, like attracts like, or you attract everything that you're in harmonious vibration with.

You are the cause of all that occurs in your life. According to the Law of Attraction, you attracted into your life all things, circumstances and events. So whatever happens, you had at least some role in it. Now that's a bitter pill to swallow for most of us initially until we understand that we truly are the co-creators of our lives. This means without exception, we brought it upon ourselves through our thoughts, feelings and actions. Nothing merely shows up, without cause. You attract it all like a magnet. That's the Law of Attraction secret. No one else has the power to attract what comes to you. Whatever you think and feel repeatedly will manifest in your life by the universal Law of Attraction.

Whatever you think about you bring about. Your thoughts and feelings attract back to you people, circumstances, events and "things" that correspond with those thoughts and feelings. If you feel like you're living in poverty, you cannot attract riches. If you feel lonely, you cannot attract an abundance of friends. If you feel overweight, you cannot a slimmer figure.

If you don't like your results, change your thoughts. That's where it all begins. That's the great Law of Attraction secret. If you don't like what you have, change what's creating it. Change your thoughts and feelings and everything about you changes. You project a higher vibration, which by law will return to you all things that are in alignment with that vibration. Create the life that you want and allow others to do the same.

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Since you attract the essence of what you're thinking about and feeling, it's essential that you monitor your thoughts and how you feel at any moment in time. Are you thinking about what you want... or what you don't want? Are you feeling good or bad? It all starts there. Whatever you're focused on, the Law of Attraction secret is responding accordingly.

Focus intensifies the strength of a thought. The more you think about what you want -- the more power you give to your goal and the faster it tends to materialize.

You are the Power. Raymond Douglas Stanford said "You are the only problem you will ever have and baby, you are the only solution." The Law of Attraction states that you determine your experience in life. Take responsibility for it. Set your intentions and stick with them. Begin to look for evidence of their arrival and you will find them. That's the Law of Attraction secret.

Now that you understand the basics, here's how to make the Law of Attraction secret work for you automatically. Just pop in the CD of your choice and follow along. You'll be gently led on a guided visualization, designed to take you from where you are now to wherever you want to go. Click here to visit today.



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