Dadisms - The Path to the Trail
My Dad was an interesting man, an entrepreneur, a professional and a hard worker. He worked hard, real hard. I guess he worked at least 12 to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks of the year. Even with that time working he found time to teach me to fish and develop my thinking that impacts my life today. Years ago my Dad started me fishing with a bamboo fishing rod. Eventually, I graduated to a spinning reel and then to the ultimate skill of handling a fly rod. He also taught me the importance of being aware and understanding the water, trees and the land around me. Basically, the environment! Some of the best times I had with my Dad were fly-fishing at the 4 Mile Straight in the South East of Placentia, Newfoundland. During those days my Dad spouted his life philosophies, his work ethic and his keen eye for business. Today, as a middle-aged man, I keep these things in mind while I am on my life's journey. I have realized that my Dad's simple life rules are a key to living a good life and being a leader at whatever it is you do. I share these Dadisms with you in the hopes that you too have some insights into your life and the things you wish to pass on to the people around you. Dadisms: The Path to the Trail 1. Pup for the path, old Dog for the trail (listen to those who went before you). 2. Choose your friends wisely as they can make you or break you. 3. Watch your back and the backs of those that care about you. 4. No matter what is going on in your life the tide will always come in. 5. People appreciate being appreciated, make sure you appreciate them. 6. Take a complement well, be thankful and grateful, it is a blessing. 7. There is nothing you can't do in this world if you put your mind to it! 8. Make a decision, make a plan and make it happen! 9. A strong belief in yourself will take you far, be focused on the outcome. 10. Do something useful, don't just sit around, make things happen. 11. Don't spend all your money. Save your pennies! You will need them. 12. Make sure you work! Work is important. Work! 13. Some people will envy what you have, be jealous and put you down. Don't listen to them, it's a waste of time. 14. Always look for someone to replace you, teach them, as you should always move on. 15. Keep your wits about you at all times, you need them. 16. Drunk man's words, sober man's thoughts, stay sober! 17. Change happens! Change with it! Change all the time. 18. Being successfully self employed is the best thing you can do in life. 19. With people it is as simple as like you, know you, trust you and buy from you. 20. Always tell them that business is great and you are looking for more. In my Dad's spare time he liked to fish. Fishing was a time to get out into the country, hike and spend time with the water, the trees, the land and reflect on life. He would walk, stop and turn around and look at me and say one of these statements and then continue on his path, a path that with time and age he blazed into his trail. As a boy, I followed his path and watched as a trail was blazed. As a man I have followed my own path and blazed my own trail. In reflection; as if looking at the water, through the trees and into the land- I see that these moments have purpose and meaning- they grow young boys and young men into maturity. The wisdom of those gone before us can turn followers into leaders. The life lessons that we allow into our lives forge the path, the trail, the journey of our lives. As a man, I am grateful for those days at the 4 Mile Straight, the lessons that I learned and the time that I spent with my Dad fly fishing. I realize that these words are about a journey that unfolded over a lifetime. They are statements of leadership in the way we live our lives and the path that was walked and a trail that was blazed. BraveWorld Inc. ?2007 Richard is a professional speaker, facilitator, trainer and coach with extensive senior management and leadership experience within business and the IT industry. He partners with technical organizations and professionals to align the business enterprise and technical skills to the organization's objectives. In essence to identify what's important, establish direction and build skills that positively impact the bottom-line. Richard provides the blueprint for you and your organization to be SET for Success (structured, engaged and trained). That's why his clients call him the SETability Expert.
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